Custom Search

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Night restrictions German airports: 21-April

Night restrictions German airports: 21-April

EDDB - no restrictions

EDDC - no restrictions till 23 April 2010 / extension possible

EDDE - available on request for each each flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDDF - available on request for each flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDDG - no restrictions until 26-April-2010

EDDH - no restrictions 21-April till morning of 23-April

EDDK - no restrictions

EDDL - planned: 1 dep / < 10 arr / available on request for each flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDDM - available on request for each each flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDDN - no restrictions for chapter-3 aircraft (noise-see ED AIP); other aircraft on request

EDDP - no restrictions till 23 April 2010 / extension possible

EDDR - closed 2030utc

EDDS - closed 2300 till 0300utc

EDDT - available on request for each flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDDV - no restrictions for originally scheduled traffic (including delay); not to be filed as an alternate destination.

EDDW - available on request of easch flight / approval can be expected upon request.

EDFH - no information

EDLP - no information

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