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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Latest Information from Eurocontrol

Eruption of Icelandic volcano: Eyjafjallajokull.

London VAAC official volcanic ash advisory issued: 21-0600z

red/green lines SFC-FL200, two distinct areas.

Next forecast 21-1200z

London VAAC Volcanic Ash Concentration Charts

These charts supplement the official Volcanic Ash Advisory Graphics and Volcanic Ash Advisories. They are to be used with caution. The official version of the charts takes precedence in all circumstances.

Air Ash Concentration Chart (with buffer zone) from FL000-FL200

valid at 1200z

Yellow area shows forecasted higher ash concentration for the next 6-12 hrs with buffer zone around. This chart has been developed by Eurocontrol using VAAC London input to be utilised by the member states in determining a NO FLY ZONE.

Next chart 21-1800z

Newly Opened Airspace


LFRR Brest - Open, see Notam 2354/10

EDMM Munich - Open, see Notam A1380/10

EDGG - Open, see Notam A1381/10

EDWW- Open, see Notam A1379/10

Open airspace

EF - Finland - Open, except A/D EFHK, EFTU. EFMA closed btw 1200z-1800z

LFEE Reims - Open

LFFF Paris - Open

EG London - open, see AIM and notams

EG Scottish - most sectors open see notams, HBN and MOR sectors open above FL210

for flights below FL210 in HBN and MOR please contact London FMP

EIDW open

EISN open

EH open

EP open, see Notam A2377/10

EK open, please check relevant Notams for A/D of DEP/ARR


Airspace remaining unavailable:

(Aerodromes geographically located within these airspaces if closed will be unavailable):

ESMM -airspace open above FL205. MALMO ESMS is open

some sectors around ESMS are closed below FL205 until 21-1200z, FMP +46406132701

ESOS most sectors closed below FL205 until 21-1400z

Wikipedia decode of country codes.

Please contact the FMPs concerned for more information.

No IFR clearances that penetrate contaminated airspace will be issued.

21/04/2010 Volcanic teleconferences - updated time

The next teleconference for Aircraft Operators will be held at 21-1330z

The next teleconference for ANSPs FMP/VAAC ONLY will be held at 21-1230z

(Please note the number of lines is limited)

For both conferences the telephone number is: + pin 7190 #

19/04/2010 AO Liaison contact / Volcanic ash

Airline Operators can now contact the CFMU Aircraft Operator Liaison Officer

via e-mail H24 with any specific questions or feedback on the volcanic ash situation

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